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12. P. Segovia, V. Puig, R.R. Negenborn and V. Reppa. Dynamic Coordination of Multiple Movable Bridges and Vessels for Time-Efficient Inland Waterway Navigation. Accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2025.

11. J. P. Arango, L. Etienne, E. Duviella, K. Langueh, P. Segovia and V. Puig. Unknown Input Observer for Quadratically Inner Bounded-One Sided Lipschitz Perturbed Nonlinear Systems. Accepted for publication at the International Journal of Systems Science, 2024.

10. R. Ranjbar, P. Segovia, E. Duviella, L. Etienne, J. M. Maestre and E. F. Camacho. Digital Twin of Calais Canal with Model Predictive Controller: A Simulation on a Real DatabaseJournal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 150, no. 5, 05024002, 2024.

9. P. Segovia, V. Puig and E. Duviella. A multi-layer control strategy for the Calais canalIEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 311-325, 2024.

8. A Castelletti, A. Ficchì, A. Cominola, P. Segovia, M Giuliani, W. Wu, S. Lucia, C. Ocampo-Martinez, B. De Schutter and J. M. Maestre. Model Predictive Control of Water Resources Systems: A Review and Research Agenda. Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 55, pp. 442–465, 2023.

7. P. Segovia, M. Pesselse, T. van den Boom and V. Reppa. Scheduling inland waterway transport vessels and locks using a switching max-plus-linear systems approachIEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 3, pp. 748–762, 2022.

6. F. Karimi Pour, P. Segovia, E. Duviella and V. Puig. A two-layer control architecture for operational management and hydroelectricity production maximization in inland waterways using model predictive control. Control Engineering Practice, 124, 105172.

5.  P. Segovia, V. Puig and E. Duviella. Set-membership-based distributed moving horizon estimation of large-scale systems. ISA Transactions, vol. 128, pp. 402–413, 2022.

4.  R. Deshays, P. Segovia and E. Duviella. Design of a MATLAB HEC-RAS interface to test advanced control strategies on water systems. Water, 13(6), 763, 2021. (Codes and supporting documentation can be found here.)

3.  P. Segovia, V. Puig, E. Duviella and L. Etienne. Distributed model predictive control using optimality condition decomposition and community detection. Journal of Process Control, 99, 54–68, 2021.

2.  P. Segovia, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, E. Duviella and V. Puig. Model predictive control and moving horizon estimation for water level regulation in inland waterways. Journal of Process Control, 76, 1–14, 2019.

1.  P. Segovia, J. Blesa, K. Horváth, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, V. Puig and E. Duviella. Modeling and fault diagnosis of flat inland navigation canals. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 232(6):761–771, 2018.

II   CONFERENCE PAPERS (peer reviewed)

23. J. P. Arango, L. Etienne, E. Duviella, K. Langueh, P. Segovia and V. Puig. Design of Observer Schemes for One-Sided Lipschitz Noisy Nonlinear Systems. 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2024, pp. 748-754.

22. J. P. Arango, G. Conde, E. Duviella, L. Etienne, K. Langueh, P. Segovia, V. Puig, C. Ocampo-Martinez and N. Quijano. Unknown Input Observer Scheme for Open-flow Irrigation Channels. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58(2), 7-12.

21. M. H. de Lange, P. Segovia, R. R. Negenborn and L. van Biert. A framework to develop advanced safe control for SOFC in a maritime application. Accepted for presentation at the 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum.

20. P. Segovia, V. Puig and V. Reppa. A model predictive scheduling strategy for coordinated inland vessel navigation and bridge operation. 2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA),  2023, pp. 847852.

19. A. Anderson, P. Segovia, J. G. Martin and E. Duviella. (2023). Switching Model Predictive Control of canals characterized by large operating conditions. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56(2), 755-760.

18. L. van Biert, P. Segovia, A. Haseltalab and R. Negenborn. A reduced-order model of a solid oxide fuel cell stack for model predictive control. In Proceedings of the International Ship Control Systems Symposium, 16, 26, 2022.

17. F. Karimi Pour, P. Segovia, L. Etienne and E. Duviella. An MHE-based MPC strategy for simultaneous energy generation maximization and water level management in inland waterwaysIFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(33), 20–26, 2022. 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control Methods for Water Resource Systems (CMWRS 2022).

16. F. Karimi Pour, E. Duviella and P. Segovia. Development of a Python tool based on model predictive control for an optimal management of the Calais canalIFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(33), 1–6, 2022. 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control Methods for Water Resource Systems (CMWRS 2022).

15. N. Dann, P. Segovia and V. Reppa. Adaptive learning of inland ship power propulsion under environmental disturbances. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(31), 1–6, 2022. 14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles (CAMS 2022).

14. P. Segovia, R.R. Negenborn and V. Reppa. Vessel passage scheduling through cascaded bridges using mixed-integer programmingIFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(16), 248–253, 2022. 18th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization (CAO 2022).

13. P. Guekam, P. Segovia, L. Etienne and E. Duviella. Hierarchical model predictive control and moving horizon estimation for open-channel systems with multiple time delays. 2021 European Control Conference (ECC), 2021, pp. 198–203.

12. P. Segovia, E. Duviella and V. Puig. Multi-layer model predictive control of inland waterways with continuous and discrete actuatorsIFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2): 16624–16629, 2020. 21st IFAC World Congress.

11.  P. Segovia, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, E. Duviella and V. Puig, A communication-based distributed model predictive control approach for large-scale systems. In 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, 2019, pp. 8366–8371.

10.  P. Segovia, J. Blesa, E. Duviella, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari and V. Puig. Sensor fault diagnosis in inland navigation networks based on a grey-box model. IFAC-PapersOnline, 51(24):742–747, 2018. 10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS 2018).

9.  P. Segovia, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, E. Duviella and V. Puig. Input-delay model predictive control of inland waterways considering the backwater effect. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 589–594. IEEE, 2018.

8.  P. Segovia, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, E. Duviella and V. Puig. Distributed input-delay model predictive control of inland waterways. In HIC 2018. 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, volume 3 of EPiC Series in Engineering, 1893–1901. EasyChair, 2018.

7.  P. Segovia, G. Desquesnes, A. Doniec, E. Duviella, G. Lozenguez, F. Nejjari, V. Puig and L. Rajaoarisoa. Management tools to study and to deal with effects of climate change on inland waterways. In Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018. Zenodo.

6.  P. Segovia, J. Blesa, E. Duviella, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari and V. Puig. Sliding window assessment for sensor fault model-based diagnosis in inland waterways. IFAC-PapersOnline, 51(5):31–36, 2018. 1st IFAC Workshop on Integrated Assessment Modelling for Environmental Systems (IAMES 2018).

5.  P. Segovia, L. Rajaoarisoa, E. Duviella, F. Nejjari, J. Blesa and V. Puig. Multiple Integrator Delay Zero model for flat canals impacted by resonance phenomena. In 14th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, 2017.

4.  P. Segovia, K. Horváth, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, V. Puig and E. Duviella. Modeling of two-reach water systems. Application to navigation canals in the north of France. In 14th International Conference on Informatics and Control in Robotics (ICINCO), 459–467, 2017.

3.  P. Segovia, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, V. Puig and E. Duviella. Decentralized control of inland navigation networks with distributaries: application to navigation canals in the north of France. In American Control Conference 2017, 3341–3346. IEEE, 2017.

2.  P. Segovia, J. Blesa, K. Horváth, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, V. Puig and E. Duviella. Fault detection and isolation in flat navigation canals. In 2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 427–432, 2017. Best paper award.

1.  P. Segovia, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, J. Blesa, V. Puig and E. Duviella. Decentralized fault-tolerant control of inland navigation networks: a challenge. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 783, No. 1). IOP Publishing.


1.  P. Segovia, L. Rajaoarisoa, F. Nejjari, V. Puig and E. Duviella. Modeling of interconnected open-channel flow: application to inland navigation canals. In Advances in Hydroinformatics, 75–90. Springer Singapore, 2018.


A. PhD Thesis

P. SegoviaModel-based control and diagnosis of inland navigation networks. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ESAII department) and IMT Lille Douai (CERI Systèmes Numériques), 2019. Advisors: Prof. Vicenç Puig (UPC), Prof. Eric Duviella (IMT), Prof. Fatiha Nejjari (UPC) and Dr. Lala Rajaoarisoa (IMT).

B. Master's Thesis

P. Segovia. Modeling and control of a voice coil motor (in Catalan). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ESAII department), 2015. Advisor: Prof. Vicenç Puig.

© 2020 by Pablo Segovia Castillo

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